Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I finally got an opportunity to take one more thing off of my Bucket List this week. Denn and I were in Buffalo so we decided to grab lunch at the famous Frank and Theresa's Anchor Bar. Believe it or not, I have never been to this famous place. So, I got my first test at their famous Buffalo wings, created for the very first time in their kitchen by mom, Theresa. It seems she was ready to toss some chicken wings into the soup pot when her son came in with a few friends and asked if she had anything different that she could cook up quickly. She looked at the wings, looked at the frier, popped them in till crispy, pulled them out and smothered them with hot sauce and her secret ingredients. She added a few celery sticks and blue cheese dressing to the plate and called it close. The rest, my friends, is history. There probably isn't a place in this world that you can't get some form of chicken wings. And to think the craze started in my own home town! Gawly!!!! So, here's me taking one from Theresa's (?) plate.

What was fun for me was to look around the walls and identify many famous/world famous people whose photos line them. I asked the waitress if they were all fed at the Anchor Bar and she said yes. I have my doubts, though, because there was a huge painting of Marco Polo mixed in with the rest of the photos, and I honestly don't think he was a customer. But, there was a huge blown up picture of Buffalo's own Tim Russert on the cover of Buffalo Magazine, a magazine I wrote for extensively while it was published in Buffalo. Very cool!
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